The college emblem is of Buddhist origin and can be seen on top of the grand gateway to India’s oldest stone structure, the Sanchi stupa. It is also engraved in other Buddhist heritage sites such as Amravati. The motto rite gyannannamukti (without knowledge there is no salvation) is from the Vedas. Together, the symbol represents ancient wisdom handed down from one generation to another through the guru-sishyaparampara or the traditional bond between a teacher and a pupil.
The emblem consists of three parts- the base of three steps, the wheel with a lotus at the centre, and the crown- denoting knowledge, action, and perfection that can lead an individual to success and enlightenment. The three steps at the base represent the three stepping stones of knowledge: mother-father-teacher or scripture-ethics-teaching or perception-inference-empirical evidence. The two arms on either side represent action or karma. The wheel represents holistic development and the lotus is the symbol of perfection attained through practice.
Thus, the emblem and motto signify the most sustained intellectual expression of Indian thought; they denote a journey where knowledge facilitates both intellectual and spiritual fulfilment.